We Should Cocoa – the October challenge

I am INCREDIBLY excited to be the guest host for this month’s We Should Cocoa Challenge!

For those of you who aren’t familiar, We Should Cocoa is a monthly blogging challenge, started by Choclette of Chocolate Log Blog and Chele of Chocolate Tea Pot, which each month selects an ingredient or theme to be paired with chocolate.

When Choclette messaged me on Twitter and asked if I’d like to guest host, it talk all of 0.0001 seconds for me to tweet back ‘yes!’ Choosing the ingredient wasn’t quite such an easy decision though…

Despite We Should Cocoa celebrating its 2nd birthday last month and having 24 themes already taken, trying to think of something new wasn’t the problem – trying to narrow down a ridiculously long shortlist was!

I wanted to do something seasonal and autumnal, that would be a bit of a challenge but hopefully not so much of a challenge that it puts people off entering, so in the end I decided on – PUMPKIN!

Pumpkin seems to be an incredibly popular baking ingredient on the other side of the Atlantic, but not so much here in the UK. I think this needs to be rectified, and what better way to do it than combining it with chocolate?

As pumpkins might not be that readily available until later in the month, I will extend the challenge to include other members of the winter squash family. You could also use tinned pumpkin puree, pumpkin seeds, or make something that looks like a pumpkin (giant Halloween pumpkin cake anyone?), so it shouldn’t be too difficult really…

To enter, just make something with chocolate and pumpkin, blog about it with a mention for We Should Cocoa, and email a link and picture to weshouldcocoa@yahoo.co.uk by the 25th. Make sure you link to Choclette, Chele and me in your post, and if you’re on twitter then tweet me @natblachford and I’ll share your posts. You can see the full rules here.

Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!

22 thoughts on “We Should Cocoa – the October challenge

  1. Hooray, winter squash is one of my favourite things, preferably in a curry, but I’m happy to try it in any form. Thanks ever so much for hosting and I hope you enjoy the experience.

  2. Glad the response is positive so far!

    Suelle, good to hear you approve and I’m sure you will come up with something fabulous for it!

    Dom, that’s perfect timing! I look forward to seeing you blog about it.

    Choclette, you could always try a winter squash curry with chocolate in?! If it works for chilli…

    Laura, I am very jealous of your mountain of pumpkin – feel free to post one down to Cornwall!

  3. Fabulous! Not sure where I will track down a pumpkin here at this time of year… but where there’s a will there’s a way (or a kumara, which is practically the same thing, isn’t it? Ish?) BTW, loved your cosmopolitan truffles. Very SATC!

  4. That’s what I love about becoming involved with the We Should Cocoa challenge! I get to experiment with all sorts of flavour combinations and meet new bloggers in the deal! Pumpkin IS very popular on this side of the Atlantic and right now there is no problem finding and using it in all manner of recipes. I’m feeling another pretty cake coming on …

  5. Pingback: Baking with pumpkin – the basics | hungryhinny

  6. Pingback: Pumpkin and chocolate marble loaf | hungryhinny

  7. Pingback: Aztec roasted pumpkin seeds | Sharky Oven Gloves

  8. Pingback: Pumpkin spiced chocolate chip flapjacks (GF) | hungryhinny

  9. Pingback: Chocolate Pumpkin Cake « Chez Foti

  10. Thank you very much 🙂
    I was just a bit confused about all those blogging- technical things I had to do starting my blog 🙂

  11. Pingback: The joy of a pumpkin pie « Italian Inspiration

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